
How Do I Register Myself As A Clergyman In Pennsylvania

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Become a nuptials officiant with our free Pennsylvania Online Ordination. If you are considering getting ordained online to officiate weddings in Pennsylvania, then yous have come up to the right place. The get-go thing you should know is that it is 100% legal for you to get ordained online in Pennsylvania to officiate weddings. Keep reading to larn more well-nigh why online ordinations are legal in Pennsylvania and how y'all tin can get ordained to officiate weddings anywhere in the Country.

5 Pennsylvania Online Ordination Facts

Who can perform matrimony in Pennsylvania?

" (a) General dominion.–The post-obit are authorized to solemnize marriages between persons that produce a spousal relationship license issued under this part:… (6) A minister, priest or rabbi of whatsoever regularly established church or congregation. (b) Religious organizations.–Every religious society, religious institution or religious organization in this Commonwealth may join persons together in marriage when at to the lowest degree one of the persons is a fellow member of the society, institution or organisation, according to the rules and customs of the society, institution or organization. "
Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes § 1503

Does the Pennsylvania authorities recognize online ordained ministers?

Yes. Equally conspicuously stated in the Country Police force, ministers that were ordained online are no dissimilar than ministers ordained by whatsoever other means, exist it in-person, or through years of seminary study. Ordained means ordained. Period. Get Ordained At present

Are hymeneals officiants required to register with the Pennsylvania Government?

This may come as a surprise to you lot, but wedding officiants in Pennsylvania do non accept to register with whatever regime office before or later on officiating wedding ceremonies. At that place are no laws in Pennsylvania requiring that officiants register with any government part and there is no authorities office charged with such a responsibility.

What Pennsylvania government function must the officiant contact before performing marriage?

None. The Pennsylvania government does not take whatsoever office that registers, certifies, or licenses wedding officiants. Simply put, at no point in your journey from ordination to officiating are you required to contact or register with any Pennsylvania government role.

What is the minimum age allowed for a nuptials officiant in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania all wedding officiants must be at least 18 years old to be able to legally solemnize marriage. Basically, in addition to being an ordained minister, you must as well be a legal adult.

How Are Pennsylvania Online Ordinations Legal?

Legal Online Ordinations

To better understand the legal underpinnings of how online ordinations work in relation to gaining the authority to officiate weddings in Pennsylvania, it is helpful to familiarize yourself with an esoteric legal term, "Solemnization of Spousal relationship". Solemnization of Marriage is simply a fancy manner of saying, "Perform Union", "Carry a Wedding", or "Officiate a Wedding". Solemnize is the official human activity of conducting a hymeneals ceremony. This is how the human activity of performing a nuptials is described in the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes. Below is the law that specifies who exactly can Solemnize Marriage in Pennsylvania:

Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes § 1503

(a) General rule.–The following are authorized to solemnize marriages between persons that produce a union license issued nether this part: (1) A justice, guess or magisterial district judge of this Commonwealth. (two) A old or retired justice, judge or magisterial commune judge of this Commonwealth who is serving as a senior gauge or senior magisterial commune approximate equally provided or prescribed past law; or not serving as a senior judge or senior magisterial district judge but meets the following criteria: (i) has served as a magisterial commune gauge, guess or justice, whether or not continuously or on the same courtroom, past election or date for an aggregate menses equaling a full term of role; (ii) has non been defeated for reelection or retention; (3) has not been bedevilled of, pleaded nolo contendere to or agreed to an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition or other probation without verdict program relative to any misdemeanor or felony criminal offence under the laws of this Commonwealth or an equivalent criminal offense under the laws of the United States or one of its territories or possessions, some other state, the Commune of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or a strange nation; (iv) has not resigned a judicial commission to avoid having charges filed or to avoid prosecution by Federal, Country or local law enforcement agencies or by the Judicial Behave Board; (v) has not been removed from part past the Court of Judicial Subject field; and (vi) is a resident of this Commonwealth. (3) An active or senior guess or full-time magistrate of the District Courts of the United States for the Eastern, Heart or Western District of Pennsylvania. (3.1) An active, retired or senior bankruptcy gauge of the United States Bankruptcy Courts for the Eastern, Middle or Western Commune of Pennsylvania who is a resident of this Commonwealth. (four) An active, retired or senior judge of the U.s. Court of Appeals for the Tertiary Circuit who is a resident of this Commonwealth. (5) A mayor of any city or borough of this Democracy. ( A former mayor of a metropolis or borough of this Democracy who: (i) has not been defeated for reelection; (two) has not been convicted of, pleaded nolo contendere to or agreed to an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition or other probation without verdict plan relative to a misdemeanor or felony law-breaking under the laws of this Republic or an equivalent offense under the laws of the The states or any ane of its possessions, another state, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or a foreign nation; (three) has not resigned the position of mayor to avoid having charges filed or to avoid prosecution by Federal, State or local constabulary enforcement agencies; (iv) has served as a mayor, whether continuously or non, by election for an amass of a total term in part; and (v) is a resident of this Commonwealth. (6) A minister, priest or rabbi of any regularly established church or congregation. (b) Religious organizations.–Every religious club, religious establishment or religious organization in this Commonwealth may join persons together in matrimony when at to the lowest degree one of the persons is a member of the society, institution or organization, according to the rules and community of the society, institution or organization. (c) Wedlock license needed to officiate.–No person or religious arrangement qualified to perform marriages shall officiate at a wedlock ceremony without the parties having obtained a wedlock license issued under this part.

Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes § 1503 Explained

If this law looks like an indecipherable wall of text, don't worry. Permit'southward focus in on the role that is relevant to you lot.

"…The following are authorized to solemnize marriages… (vi) A minister, priest or rabbi of any regularly established church building or congregation."

This law allows for people of whatever religious faith to cocky actualize their ability to officiate wedding ceremonies. Beyond being articulated in the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, this right is besides enshrined in the 1st subpoena of the Usa Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of organized religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of oral communication, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Regime for a redress of grievances."

We promise this better explains the legal foundation for why y'all absolutely have the correct to officiate wedding ceremony ceremonies in Pennsylvania as an online ordained minister. Equally long as yous are a member of whatsoever religious establishment that grants you the authorisation to solemnize marriage, you are skilful to go. And then what are you waiting for?

Begin Ordination

Pennsylvania Officiant Authorities Registration

Justice and Scales

Nosotros said it before but it bears repeating – In Pennsylvania, hymeneals officiants are non required to register with any government role. The government in Pennsylvania does not impose any officiant registration procedure whatever. At no signal in your journey from getting ordained to officiating the wedding ceremony anniversary are you required to complete government paperwork confirming your status as a wedding officiant. Once you are an online ordained minister you instantly have the legal ability to perform marriage anywhere in Pennsylvania.

Though there is no legal requirement to prove your standing as an Ordained Minister with whatever Pennsylvania government office, we do recommend that you go on personal records of your official Ministry Credentials. A physical copy of your Ordination Certification is useful to take in the event that the couple or anyone else affiliated with the wedding asks to come across proof of your ordination.

If you choose to get ordained with American Marriage Ministries, consider ordering one of the following packages. In improver to your official ordination certificate you lot will besides receive your "AMM Minister's Manual" and "Asked To Officiate". Both of these books cover all of the important information yous demand to know regarding your legal duties as a wedding officiant and your formalism responsibilities, including how to all-time prepare for the ceremony.

How Exercise I Prepare For Officiating Weddings in Pennsylvania?

Woman Studying

Getting ordained is just the first step. The bulk of your time and energy will exist taken upwardly in preparing for the wedding ceremony. We know that conducting a nuptials ceremony is a big responsibility. And though information technology is a joyous experience information technology is too ane that needs to be taken very seriously, especially for your role as the wedding ceremony officiant.

We will walk you through the process from both the legal and ceremonial aspects of your office as the wedding officiant. Check out our page How To Officiate Weddings to become started. Hither we cover the of import things that you lot as the officiant demand to do, such equally how to best gear up for officiating a nuptials ceremony and Writing the Wedding Ceremony. For more information, nosotros encourage you lot to visit the official American Wedlock Ministries website. There yous will observe the most comprehensive officiant grooming materials you can find online.

Many of the people that get ordained online have never officiated a hymeneals before. We know that this can seem intimidating and take anticipated your need to sympathise the unabridged procedure. Our mission is to empower you lot non just to officiate weddings, but to do and then with skill, confidence, and cartel we say, a flake of way.

Officiating a wedding in Pennsylvania can be broken down into two responsibilities. These are:

  1. Non-Legal Duty – Officiating the Hymeneals Ceremony
  2. Legal Duty – Signing the Marriage License

To learn more about preparing for the nuptials ceremony, including how to write a wedding ceremony script, check out the Officiant Training on the American Marriage Ministries website. Keep reading to learn more about the officiant's legal responsibilities regarding the marriage license.

Pennsylvania Wedding Officiant Legal Responsibilities

Signing Marriage License

Your one legal responsibility as a hymeneals officiant in Pennsylvania is to sign the marriage license for the couple. This is a elementary bureaucratic procedure that is really no different than signing any other type of legal contract.

Nevertheless since it is not every solar day that you lot fill out marriage licenses, you may find some of the fields disruptive at kickoff glance. We have deconstructed the procedure of completing a marriage license into easy-to-follow instructions in case you find something confusing along the way. We understand how important it is to go this right, so keep reading for instructions on how to complete an Pennsylvania matrimony license.

How To Fill up Out an Pennsylvania Marriage License

It is your responsibility as the wedding officiant to sign the marriage license on the nuptials solar day. Nosotros take broken this duty down into four simple steps:

  1. Ask the couple to nowadays their wedlock license.
  2. Ostend that the marriage license is valid.
  3. Complete and sign the marriage license.
  4. Render the Marriage License.


At some betoken on the nuptials solar day, y'all demand to ask the couple to present their marriage license. Generally this happens immediately following the ceremony while anybody heads out to the reception. Though this doesn't have to be the instance, every bit the marriage license tin can be completed at whatever time on the wedding ceremony twenty-four hours before or after the ceremony.


Before you start filling out the marriage license you demand to confirm that information technology is currently valid. A spousal relationship license's validity is determined by iii laws that specify the marriage license waiting flow, expiration, and return. If you need farther description on what these terms hateful, there is a proficient caption hither. The data below outlines the waiting period, expiration, and return for Pennsylvania marriage licenses:

  • WAITING Menstruum: 3 Days To Receive
  • EXPIRATION: 60 Days
  • RETURN: Within 10 Days later on the Wedding

In practise, verifying the validity of the spousal relationship license is normally a formality. Most couples file for their marriage license a calendar week or two earlier the ceremony date, in which case the marriage license, according to state constabulary, is valid.

Footstep 3 – Complete AND SIGN THE Union LICENSE

This is where the pen finally meets the paper. Equally the officiant yous demand to fill out your portion of the marriage license. When washed, you must sign it with the couple and two developed witnesses (they are also required to sign the marriage license).

If you are not certain how to fill out certain fields on the wedlock license, do not worry. Below are the most mutual questions people accept regarding filling out a matrimony license. The matrimony license y'all volition be completing may not accept all of these fields.


For officiant title, enter"Minister". If yous are an AMM ordained minister, and so that is what you put for your title.

CHURCH Proper name ON Spousal relationship LICENSE

For church name, enter"American Union Ministries". That is unless, you got ordained through a different organization, in which case enter the name of that organization.


For religious denomination, enter "Non-Denominational" unless you are officiating the nuptials according to a specific religious tradition. If and so, then enter that.


For ceremony type, enter "Religious". It is important to empathise, even if you officiated a completely not-religious ceremony y'all still need to enter "Religious". The reason for this is that the designation "Religious" and "Civil" hateful something unlike to the Pennsylvania Government. Civil is a designation for government officials. Everything else is considered religious, even if you invoke no religious references in your wedding ceremony.

Footstep iv – RETURN THE Matrimony LICENSE

After the marriage license is completed it must be returned to its issuance function. This is usually the responsibility of the couple though it is a good practice as the officiant to follow-upwardly with the couple to make sure that the completed matrimony license has been returned. Equally this is by and large done through the mail, it is an piece of cake thing to practice and we recommend that it exist done ASAP after the hymeneals.

If you are unclear on where or how to return the marriage license, the couple should know. When the couple receives their marriage license they also receive specific instructions on how to return the marriage license. If these instructions are not included with the union license, yous tin call the issuance function or visit their website for farther clarification.

Thank you for reading and go go your officiating on! To acquire more about getting ordained online and how to officiate weddings, check out American Marriage Ministries.

How Do I Register Myself As A Clergyman In Pennsylvania,


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